Five Tips to Find Winning Candidates

Five Tips to Find Winning Candidates

Winning Candidates from The McQuaig Psychometric System from Holst

HR Magazine recently reported on the increasing challenge of finding good candidates.  It’s a problem facing every type of organisation, from the global giants all the way through to small family-run businesses.

Success through traditional classified advertising and recruitment agencies depends on potential candidates actively looking for a new role. Here are a few tips to help any recruiter seek out those elusive passive candidates.

  1. Spread your recruitment resources. There’s no one perfect channel to recruit through.
  2. Incentivise your employees to recruit for you! Employee referral schemes can be a rich vein of great quality candidates.
  3. Ask your employees to be brand ambassadors through their social media channels. This will help to find those passive candidates who might just be tempted to jump ship your way!
  4. Create a solid profile of your ideal candidate. Use this with targeted pay-per-click advertising.
  5. Finally, hiring managers need to be better at assessing candidates. They can’t do a good job if they lack the necessary interview skills and assessment information.  Get your candidates assessed and your interviewers trained to use those assessments for best results.

Contact us here to find out more about how The McQuaig Psychometric System can add value to your recruitment, retention and management skills.

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