Career to mum and now a career mum

Career to mum and now a career mum

Being a career woman who has left to have children and is weighing up whether to go back to work is a hard decision for any woman.working-mum

Deciding to go back to work whether through want or need requires a great deal of planning, preparation and determination. Will you go back full or part time? What are your childcare options? Childcare costs? And of course, the big question – am I being a good mum leaving my child to return to work?

The simple answer is yes, you are!

A happy and secure mum equals a happy and secure child. Whether you return to work through want or need, you are helping to provide for your family. Your child will have the opportunity to mix with other children/people. This will benefit them both in the short and long term.

I have a couple of suggestions:

  • Thoroughly look into your childcare options. Is nursery or childminder best for your situation? Can a family member help out?
  • Evaluate costs, qualifications, experience and of course your own gut feeling. If something is telling you this isn’t right for your child, then it probably isn’t. No one knows your child better than you!
  • Do you have the option of part time or flexible working? Do you have the right with your current organisation to apply for flexible working?
  • Lastly, enjoy being back at work. Enjoy being one of the team and associating with friends and colleagues alike.

Remember, you can be a wonderful mother as well as being a valued and important member of the working community.

About the Author:

Claire Lukeman is a member of our Office Support Team here at Holst. Holst distributes the McQuaig Psychometric System. To contact Claire email


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